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1. FREE for Premium Members! :o) 2. Built in Address Book 3. Full featured "spam filter" which you can turn on, off or fine tune to control certain lists, people, etc.. while running the filter in the background 4. Great calendar utility allowing you to set tasks and reminders... great for birthdays! You can set this up to send emails on certain days as well! Super for secret pals too! 5. "Multi-Account" function which allows you to retrieve email from other external email addresses you may have! 6. Operations for mail filtering and folder creation
1.) An "Alias" account which just means that
you'll have
a working
"YOU@toletown.com" address that folks can use to send you email, but
all -OR- 2.) A full featured webbased email account.
means that
you'll actually login to Thanks, enjoy! :o)